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Nourishing Intentions: Grounding Tools for Busy Moms

For busy moms, taking time for self-care often feels like a luxury they can't afford. However, I am believer that self-nourishment doesn't always require extra time—it's about weaving mindful Sadhana (practices) into your existing routines. In this blog, I explore how to cultivate intentions and grounding tools that seamlessly fit into a mom's busy lifestyle. Being a Mom to a 2 years and 4 months and 37 weeks pregnant, I speak from experience. These Sadhana's will help you ground and get back into your body.

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1. Sip Mindfully: Nurturing with Every Sip

Begin your day with a nourishing cup of tea or coffee. As you sip, take a moment to engage your senses fully. Feel the warmth of the mug, inhale the aroma, and taste each sip mindfully. This simple ritual awakens your senses and offers a mindful pause in your routine.

2. Infuse Intentions: Setting the Tone for the Day

As you prepare your meals, infuse them with intentions. Visualize the nourishment each ingredient brings to your body. Whether it's a pinch of gratitude or a sprinkle of joy, let your thoughts infuse your meals with positive energy.

Sadhana of infusing intentions is one of Ayurvedic wisdom. Infusing intention can activate the grains, vegetable and herbs etc with its energy that will I turn infuse within your body through ingestion.

3. Pause for Gratitude: Moments of Mindful Appreciation

Amidst the hustle, pause to acknowledge the little moments. Whether it's a quick mental note of appreciation for your child's laughter or the warmth of your morning shower, these moments of gratitude ground you in the present.

4. Thoughtful Affirmations: Kindness Towards Yourself

In the midst of your busy schedule, gently introduce positive affirmations. As you fold laundry or drive to work, silently repeat affirmations like "I am enough" or "I deserve love and care." These nurturing thoughts become an oasis of self-kindness.

I recommend to have reminders set in your phone with affirmations that resonates with you.

5. Breath Breaks: Anchoring to the Present

Even a single conscious breath can anchor you to the present. When you find yourself caught in chaos, take a deep inhale and a slow exhale. This instant practice calms your mind and centers you in the midst of busyness.

I recognise the unique challenges us busy moms face in carving out time for self-care. However, integrating grounding Sadhana's (tools and practices) into your routine doesn't require a significant time commitment. By sipping your morning brew mindfully, infusing intentions into your meals, pausing for gratitude, embracing affirmations, and taking breath breaks, you create micro-moments of self-nourishment.

In the whirlwind of motherhood, remember that self-care is not selfish—it's essential for your well-being.

Embrace these gentle practices as reminders that you deserve moments of mindfulness and grounding. As you nurture yourself, you replenish your ability to nurture those you love.

Here's to weaving self-care into the fabric of your busy life, one sip, one intention, and one loving thought at a time.

Sending you Oceans of love and light,


Owner, Intuitive Goddess Wellness

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