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Clarity Call

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing with a 30-minute Clarity Call with Shagun

  • 30 min
  • Free
  • Phone call or Online

Service Description

What to Expect in Your Clarity Call: Personal Connection: Begin your wellness journey by connecting with Shagun, a dedicated practitioner who combines ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with a deep understanding of modern-day wellness needs. Explore Ayurveda: Unveil the mysteries of Ayurveda in a conversation that welcomes all your curiosities. Whether you're new to Ayurveda or seeking to deepen your practice, this call is your gateway to understanding how its principles can harmonize and rejuvenate your life. Discuss Health Goals: Share your vision of wellness, your health goals, and intentions. Shagun listens with an open heart, ready to tailor the Ayurvedic consultation and Abhyanga massage to your body’s unique narrative. Learn About Abhyanga: Discover how the nurturing touch of Abhyanga massage can detoxify, nourish, and revitalize your body and spirit. This ancient practice is more than a massage; it's a ritual of loving kindness to oneself. Personalized Healing Approach: Learn how Shagun can assist in your healing journey, integrating Ayurvedic practices with intuitive care to address your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Set Intentions: This call is a sacred space to align your intentions with the healing process, setting the foundation for a transformative experience.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact 24 hours prior.

Contact Details


Intuitive Goddess Wellness, Awesome Pde, Griffin QLD, Australia

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